Important Update

An important update to our community regarding the COVID-19 outbreak and Icon.

14th March 2020


Dear Icon Members,

It is timely for us to provide an update on the measures we are taking to help everyone in our Icon community to stay healthy and well. In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, Icon Gymsports is actively monitoring the advice from Gymnastics NSW in hand with government organisations and other health authorities on a daily basis.

Our Regular Measures

The wellbeing of our athletes, staff and families is a top priority to us. We have measures in place year-round to help make Icon a clean and hygienic place. These include:

β€’Β Β Β  A regular cleaning schedule for the entire gymnasium, bathrooms, office and reception area

β€’Β Β Β  Provision of soap and hand dryers in both bathrooms

β€’Β Β Β  Provision of tissues at the office and in the gymnasium

β€’Β Β Β  Ongoing promotion of healthy lifestyles for athletes

β€’Β Β Β  Educating team and athletes in the value of taking care of their bodies and minds

Special Measures Introduced At Icon

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the following additional measures have been introduced to maintain cleanliness and promote good health and hygiene:

β€’Β Β Β  Two hygiene stations have been set up in the gymnasium, offering hand sanitiser and tissues to encourage good hygiene practice whilst training

β€’Β Β Β  A regular schedule to sanitise all equipment, and increased cleaning of high traffic surfaces

β€’Β Β Β  Instructional materials on good hygiene practices for hand washing as well as coughing and sneezing displayed throughout key areas in the Gym

Temporary Policies

We kindly ask our members to adhere to the following temporary guidelines: Β 

1. Children who are feeling unwell in any way to please stay home.Β 

2. Children who have visited China, South Korea, Italy or Iran in the past 2 weeks are requested to not attend classes at Icon Gymsports until 14 days have lapsed from their date of departure from the aforementioned countries.Β 

Missed Lessons

Icon Gymsports has a standard makeup policy in place for our recreational classes and our competitive gymnastics programs, which will continue to apply as normal at this time. Recreational athletes are always welcome to book makeups for missed lessons in any other suitable class with space available within the same term. Competitive Gymnasts are invited to makeup with an appropriate squad where space permits, accumulating a maximum of two makeups at one time. All makeups must be booked in advance.

We will also be communicating some more flexible arrangements with these makeups as we navigate this unforeseen and complex territory.Β 

Going Forward

Significant information is being updated by the NSW government and health organisations every day, which Icon Gymsports is monitoring closely. We are paying close attention to the sharing of factual information and continue to make plans for various scenarios. We will continue to communicate as clearly and promptly with our members as possible via social media and email as any changes come into effect. We understand the growing concerns amongst the community and your wellbeing is our highest priority. We ask you to continue to support us with the additional measures we are implementing and welcome any questions or feedback you may have.

Please take care and look after yourselves!

Rosie & the Icon Team

Phone: (02) 9482 4341

Email: info@icongymsports.comΒ 

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