At Icon Gymsports we expect all children and young people who participate in our activities to have a safe and happy experience. We are committed to taking all reasonable steps to ensure all athletes feel safe, respected and empowered at all times. 


Icon Gymsports is committed to the safety of all children and young people who participate in activities at our Gym. Since the establishment of Icon Gymsports in 2015, we have been providing a safe space for children and young people to train, thrive, gain valuable life skills and achieve personal goals.

Icon Gymsports has a zero tolerance approach to any form of child abuse. Our stance is proactive as we take all reasonable steps to uphold an environment in which all participants feel safe, empowered and respected at all times. We are committed to immediate action in maintaining this environment.

This commitment encompasses the rights and wellbeing of all Icon staff, members and families as we work together to build and maintain a secure environment. We appreciate and acknowledge the valuable role played by each of these groups in providing positive experiences for participants at our Gym.

  • Protect children and young people from all forms of abuse.
  • Implement the Icon Gymsports Child Safe Policies and Procedures.
  • Work actively to create and maintain a culture of safety and proactivity within the Icon Gym.


  • All staff who are 18 years and older have Working With Children Checks verified by Icon Gymsports.
  • All Icon gymnastics coaches are accredited through Gymnastics Australia
  • All Icon cheerleading coaches have USASF credentials. 
  • Child Safe training is a compulsory component of the ongoing professional training of our coaches who are accredited through Gymnastics Australia.
  • A minimum of 1 Senior First Aid Officer is always on-site. 


Member Protection Information Officer (MPIO): Kylie Southwell

Phone: (02) 9482 4341


Child Safe Representative (CSR): Rosie Lewis

Phone: (02) 9482 4341


Download and read our child safety policy below. 


We are committed to the safety of all children and young people who participate in activities in or associated with our Gym. If you witness a situation in which you felt anyone was at risk, please report this as soon as possible.

If the situation is an emergency phone 000 immediately and report the incident to us afterwards. If the situation is not an emergency, we can be contacted on (02) 9482 4341 or via the contact form below. A member of our team will follow up with you promptly upon receiving a report via the form below.