Can I do a trial?

Can I do a trial?

Certainly! Competitive Gymnastics is quite a commitment and we want to ensure it is the right fit. Please contact our office to organise a free trial (an assessment may be required first to identify the correct trial class).

How many hours do gymnasts train?

How many hours do gymnasts train?

Depending on their squad and level, Icon’s competitive gymnasts train anywhere from 2 – 15.5 hours per week. The further an athlete advances over the years the greater hours they will train. The programming for each squad is designed to maximise return for the hours of training assigned. You may notice that at Icon we train for a lot less hours than many other clubs in Sydney. This is because we would prefer our gymnasts to work hard in less hours rather than waste time training more hours to achieve no better (if not a worse) result. We want to provide them with the best value for their time and effort invested as well as promoting a balanced lifestyle.

Is there school holiday training?

Is there school holiday training?

Some school holiday weeks there will be training (usually at slightly different times to term time) and others there can be breaks. Details information regarding holiday training and weeks off training will be provided to gymnasts prior to enrollment.

Do you have programs for boys?

Do you have programs for boys?

Yes, we offer Men’s Competitive Gymnastics programs.

Is it expensive?

Is it expensive?

We take great care in providing excellent value for money and deliver outstanding training in the sport of Gymnastics. We offer highly qualified and experienced coaches and keep costs down wherever practical. All of Icon Gymsports’ classes are priced based on a sliding scale whereby an athlete’s cost per hour decreases based on the number of hours they train in the gym across a week. S

Can gymnasts do makeup classes?

Can gymnasts do makeup classes?

At Icon we realise that sometimes an absence may be unavoidable. While we prefer Gymnasts to train with their own squad as much as possible to gain the most benefit from the program, we will be happy to organise an appropriate time for athletes to do a makeup if possible. Two makeups can be accumulated at one time. If you have 2 makeups accumulated, at least one must be used before another absence will generate a valid makeup token.

What should gymnasts wear?

What should gymnasts wear?

Gymnasts are expected to look neat when training with appropriate gym wear. This is no set uniform however a leotard or crop top must be worn. No baggy clothes are permitted. In the cooler months gymnasts may wear a long sleeved leotard and leggings. Hair should be pulled back off the face. Competition uniforms are outlined in the information booklet provided to athletes before enrolment.

What happens if I go away on holidays or change my mind? Can I get a refund?

What happens if I go away on holidays or change my mind? Can I get a refund?

The only reason we will consider refunds is for serious medical reasons and a doctor’s certificate must be provided. Unfortunately, we cannot do partial payments or refunds if you want to less than the full program from the time you start. We do however offer make-ups if you miss a class. One month’s notice is required for gymnasts who wish to stop their competitive program. This month must be paid for and athletes are welcome to continue to attend their regular training or do the equivalent time in recreational classes.

If you need to put your membership on hold, this is available in certain circumstances. Applications to put memberships on hold must be made in writing and will be approved on a case-by-case basis under the consideration of management. 

If I join half way through the year do I have to pay for the whole year?

If I join half way through the year do I have to pay for the whole year?

No! You will be charged pro rata for the training time left in the year.